To anticipate: yes, a high dwell time and a low bounce rate play an important role for SEO and can improve your search engine ranking.
Search engines such as Google interpret the dwell time and bounce rate as signals for the relevance and quality of your website. If visitors leave your website quickly (high bounce rate), this indicates that the content is not relevant or appealing.
Accordingly, a high bounce rate leads to a poorer ranking in the search results.
Conversely, if visitors stay on your website for a long time (high dwell time) and visit different pages, this signals to search engines that your website offers valuable and useful content. This leads to a better ranking in the search results.

Source: similarweb
In addition to the dwell time and the bounce rate, there are of course many other factors that influence your SEO ranking, such as the quality of your content, the relevance of your keywords, the backlink structure of your website and the technical performance of your website.
Nevertheless, the dwell time and the bounce rate are two important factors that you should definitely optimize in order to improve your search engine ranking.
If the visitor to your website can configure the product they are interested in , they will stay on the site an average of 8.7 times longer. This is a significant change in dwell time. Once the user has viewed your product in the configurator, they will then view at least one other page in around 76% of cases. This divides your bounce rate by 4! Improving these factors leads to a better ranking of your pages in the search engines.
There are of course other factors to improve the findability of a page. Here we summarize them as a list:
- Offer a personalized sales process to keep the visitor engaged with your site or product for longer.
- Create high-quality and relevant content that is interesting for your target group.
- Structure your content clearly and concisely and use subheadings, images and videos to improve readability.
- Link internally to other relevant pages on your website to keep visitors on your website.
- Optimize your website for mobile use, as more and more people are surfing the Internet with smartphones and tablets.
- Make sure that your website loads quickly.
- Avoid annoying advertising and pop-ups.
- Offer visitors to your website the opportunity to get in touch with you, e.g. via a contact form or social media.
This allows you to improve the length of stay and the bounce rate on your website and thus improve your search engine ranking.
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